

Connection to spirit / body /nature

at home within you

Mystic Walk

The Mystic Walk is a unique experience that seamlessly integrates body, spirit, mind, and nature allowing you to feel magic in movement, and turn life into a living meditation where your free wild spirit can be expressed. You bring a question that you need clarity on and I become a connector to higher consciousness, allowing nature to bring you the messages, images, and feelings you need to embrace as we walk, talk, open our senses, dance, align vibration, and flow with the moment.

HEART (Healing Embodiment Art Resonance Trust)

Say YES to living authentically in just 5 sessions of pure presence and intimacy! We will dive deep into your core through various doorways, feeling your essence resonate across different aspects of your life.

It’s time to remember the potency of your being and connect with your origin.

Active Listening


Sometimes, you just need someone to hear you.

For 15m, 30m, 45m, or 1h, I can be on the other side of the line and transmute your darkest moments into light, holding space for your present moment. And often that’s when the best insights come, or a different perspective is offered.

By phone, whatsApp or Zoom / Donation based


Will be available soon.

ENTER DREAMLAND (guided meditation for children before sleep)

Will be available soon.